Ljubiša Metikoš writes an AI Act practical guide for the Verfassungsblog

25 september 2023

We would like to congratulate our Digital Legal Lab member Ljubiša Metikoš on publishing an AI Act Practical Guide for the Verfassungsblog.

To read the AI Act Practical Guide, click here

More about the AI Act Practical Guide: 

In his guide, Ljubiša shows how doctrinal, normative, empirical and computer-science based legal research can be integrated together. He also discusses some of the obstacles researchers might face when researching the AI Act.

More about Ljubiša Metikoš:

Ljubiša Metikoš is a PhD researcher at the Institute for Information Law (IViR), the Paul Scholten Centre for Jurisprudence (PSC), and the Research Priority Area Human(e)AI, at the University of Amsterdam. More importantly, he is a member of our Digital Legal Lab. His research combines insights from Information Law and legal-philosophy to study the regulation of AI used in legal decision-making procedures.